F/A-18 Hornets

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Expand to International Markets

Explore exporting resources available for defense firms.

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Other Resources & Materials

More resources to help grow your defense business.

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Expand to International Markets

Exporting to international markets can help defense businesses grow and diversify their revenue streams. Defense contractors interested in exporting should educate themselves on whether exporting is an option for them and will need to think about with market identification, trade shows, regulations for exporting defense materials, and how to effectively manage an export program.

For more information, head to export.gov for federal resources and guidance. You can also contact Maryland's Aerospace & Defense Specialist, Paul Matino, from the US Export Center (USEAC) Baltimore office for more information. Paul can be reached by phone at 410-962-4539 or by email at Paul.Matino@trade.gov.

For a list of available state resources and programs for exporting, click here.

If you are an aerospace company looking to export, check out the US Commercial Service's guide to exporting for aerospace firms below or click here to find out more.

Other Resources & Materials

Whatever the nature or size of your business—even if it’s still in the planning stages—we can provide vital information and support.

Upcoming Events

Below are some other opportunities you may find of interest. Please note that these events are not sponsored by MDN or Commerce, they are simply being provided for your information.